Drop Out, Joe
I have been in charge of staff when I had the unhappy duty to tell someone that they could no longer work for our organization. I had to do it several times over my career.
It has also been done to me, too.
No one is immune.
All healthy organizations need a clear-eyed view of what’s important and the courage to tell hard truths.
No one who is happy in their job wants to leave. But if they put the enterprise at risk by continuing to remain, it is incumbent for the organization to protect itself. Therefore, that person has to leave.
Here’s what I just wrote today to ActBlue (the political group), when I suspended my recurring donations to the Biden campaign: “If Joe Biden continues to campaign for re-election, I believe he will lose. This is just my microscopic vote of no confidence. If he does not drop out, Trump will win. America will then lose its democracy.”
I recognize that my individual action has no real impact on the Biden campaign. But my hope is that other small donors like me who fear the continuation of Biden’s re-election campaign will result in disaster for our country, will follow my example.
Joe, for the good of the country, it’s time to drop out of the race.